Poop! As dog parents, we spend A LOT of our time scooping it up… It comes in all different shapes and sizes. Long ones, short ones, runny ones, firm ones. But what does dog poop mean? And what should dog poop look like? What can we tell from what we see when our beloved pooches squat? Well, we’re going to tell you! So keep reading to make sure your dog is as happy on the inside as they are on the outside…
Can you spot your dog’s poop on this chart?
Yes? Or something similar? Let’s go through each type of poop on the chart to see what you can do to manage your dog’s pooping masterpieces.

If your fur baby’s poop is pebble-shaped, dry, white and chalky it can be difficult for them to squeeze out. Your doggo may not be drinking enough water or have enough fibre in their diet. Too much bone can also contribute to very dry poop, so keep an eye on how much is going in their food or treats! Try adding a teaspoon of coconut oil to their meals to help smooth things along. By the way… It’s normal for poop to dry and then adopt the dry, chalky appearance on the ground (especially if your dog is raw fed!)
This is what you want to see when you pooch goes to the toilet! You should be able to make out little segments within each bit of poop and be able to pick it up easily, with little to no leftovers on the ground.
If you dog’s poop looks like this then that’s perfectly healthy, too! A little firm but with some moisture, not segmented and holds together well when picked up. This is a good sign your dog is happy, healthy and can go to the toilet without difficulty.
This excessively soggy log-shaped poop would often be tricky to pick up off the ground and leave some residue behind. This means your pup has mild diarrhoea. At this stage it’s easily fixable and will usually resolve itself. Just keep a close eye!
This soggy member of the line-up wouldn’t have much shape to it but would just about hold in a pile. Picking this up would probably need some extra bags (and patience!) Maybe the food you’re feeding your four-legged friend isn’t quite agreeing with them? Not a cause for concern just yet and can sometimes occur after a recent change in food, however it’s best to monitor closely to make sure the poop firms up a little within a few days.
This poop wouldn’t usually come out very nicely and would often end up in different spots where you dog has gone to the toilet. This is another case of diarrhoea and is a headache to pick up off the ground. Sometimes this can happen as a result of your dog eating, or being exposed to, something that has disagreed with their tummy. Keep tabs on this one and check with your veterinarian if it persists longer than a few days.
This one is very messy. Usually ending up as a puddle of poop, this would be almost impossible to pick up without leaving some behind on the ground. Expelled as spurts of liquid, this type of poop is a sign of severe diarrhoea and shouldn’t be ignored. Keep in mind that this could be a sign of stress or infection within your dog’s body. Try fasting them for 6 - 12 hours to allow their gut to rest and heal (not recommended for puppies). Check with your veterinarian and keep a close eye on them, as poop of this consistency could lead to dehydration.
Shape and consistency aside, don’t be squeamish! Every now and then, try to get a closer look at your dog’s poop to check what’s hiding inside and look out for key red flags. Some things are normal and nothing to be concerned about: grass, leaves, bits of bone, tiny parts of chew toys. However, there could be other surprises that you should look to do something about: worms, mucus, red streaks. If anything like this appears in your dog’s poop, it’s always best to check in with your veterinarian.
As dog moms or dads, we always pay lots of attention to what we put in our dog’s mouths, so it’s always a good idea to keep track of what’s coming out the other end, too! If you have any concerns, try keeping a poop diary to build a clearer picture of your pups’ stools and speak with your veterinarian if you have any major concerns. And remember… Don’t be afraid to tweak your dog’s diet if you have a sneaky feeling something in the bowl isn’t quite agreeing with them!
Happy pooping, gang!